The Big Bark 2025 Calendar Campaign

Use the form to the right if you own or operate a business that may be interested in joining our 2025 Calendar campaign.

We are currently seeking businesses of different descriptions to stock our calendars for the forthcoming season. We are looking to work with pet stores, both online and brick and mortar along with dog friendly venues such as coffee shops, art stores, doggy daycare venues, and other canine professionals who have an interest in enhancing their Christmas offerings by stocking our calendars for sale to their customers.

We are also seeking prospective sponsors for the 2025 calendar. Each sponsor will receive an advert on a specific page of our calendar and will receive an included advert on The Big Bark podcast, along with our social media platforms.

All stockists and sponsors will receive an invite to our press launch for the calendar sale site which will take place in early October (Details to be announced in early – mid September)

If you would like to listen to some recent episodes of our podcast or find out what The Big Bark is all about, head on over to our main site

We will also send details of our campaign to all interested parties.

Business details:

Your details: